Weilers LLP


10 Things To Know About Injunctions

September 26, 2024 By Brian Babcock Did you listen to or read the news about encampments and injunctions and wonder what they were talking about?...
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Who Gets The Dog Part 2

September 24, 2024 By Brian Babcock We posted an article recently highlighting the issue of the risk of battles over dog ownership, focused on the...
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Eight More Things To Know About Solicitor-Client Privilege

September 19, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  Solicitor-client privilege is of profound importance in our system of justice. Yet the rules of evidence governing privilege are...
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Expert Evidence In Applications

September 17, 2024 By Brian Babcock Applications are an alternative form of proceeding. An application may be commenced rather than an action where there are...
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Put Your Best Foot Forward

September 12, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  If confronted by a motion for summary judgment, you must “put your best foot forward.” A motion for summary...
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What Is Civil Litigation?

September 10, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  Tell someone who asks, “what type of law do you practice?” that you practice civil litigation, and you expect...
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Arbitrations and Appeals of Preliminary Opinions

Alternative Dispute Resolution
September 5, 2024 By Brian Babcock An arbitrator has jurisdiction under the Arbitrations Act, 1991 of Ontario to determine whether the arbitrator has jurisdiction as...
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Pleadings Are Important Part Two: Fixing Pleadings

September 3, 2024 By Brian Babcock An earlier article explains why pleadings are important. What happens if you need to update or fix something in...
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Arbitrations and Appeals of Preliminary Opinions

Alternative Dispute Resolution
August 27, 2024 By Brian Babcock An arbitrator has jurisdiction under the Arbitrations Act,1991 of Ontario to determine whether the arbitrator has jurisdiction as a...
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When Are Directors Personally Liable?

August 27, 2024 By Brian Babcock The general rule is that directors and officers of a corporation cannot be sued for the wrongful acts of...
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How To Read An Insurance Policy

August 22, 2024 By Brian Babcock If you have an insurance claim, it may be determined based upon the wording of your insurance policy. These...
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Interference With A Right Of Way

August 20, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  What would you do if your neighbour put a gate across your shared driveway? THE ISSUE In an earlier...
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Don’t Be Denied Arbitration

Alternative Dispute Resolution
August 15, 2024 By Brian Babcock Despite an agreement to arbitrate, the opposing party might start a court action. What do you do then if...
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Contempt Of Court May Be Fatal To Your Case

August 13, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  Penalties for contempt vary greatly, but it is extremely rare to see a “death penalty” where a case is...
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When Corporate Records Go Missing

August 8, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik Good corporate record keeping is important. But for the case discussed in this article, we might have said that...
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Insurer’s Pollution Exclusion Did Not Apply

August 6, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  Many commercial insurance policies, and homeowners policies, contain forms of pollution exclusions. They vary from policy to policy, but...
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A Dog Does Not Get One Bite

August 1, 2024 By Brian Babcock Do you own a dog? Do you have a tenant that owns a dog? (Do you know?) Are you...
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Rethinking Releases Again

July 30, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  Settlements may be reached calmly and with reflection, or hurriedly in a hallway. In any case, it is important...
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Appeal and Arbitration

Alternative Dispute Resolution
July 25, 2024 By Brian Babcock Most arbitrations in Ontario are governed by the Arbitration Act, 1991. Some are governed by the International Commercial Arbitrations...
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Vacation Pay: A Hidden Liability?

July 23, 2024 By Brian Babcock Do you pay out unused vacation pay at the end of each year? THE ISSUE If not, you may...
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Restrictive Covenants and Restraint of Trade

July 18, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  When is a restrictive covenant an unlawful restraint of trade? THE CASE The Ontario Court of Appeal takes a...
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When the Story Changes

July 9, 2024 By Brian Babcock We have written before about how success in a lawsuit usually depends upon good story telling. Good story telling...
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Common Sense and the Duty of Good Faith in Real Estate Deals

July 11, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik Common sense and the duty of good faith in the performance of a contract may result in imperfect compliance...
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At Any Time, Judges Favour Employees

July 9, 2024 By Brian Babcock Judges seem to really dislike termination clauses, even in Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario. THE ISSUE We have written...
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Let Us Tell Your Story

July 4, 2024 By Brian Babcock “The purpose of the trial is to build a good factual record for the appeal.” So said a local...
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Jurisdiction and Human Rights: An Ontario Update

Administrative Law
July 2, 2024 By Brian Babcock We have posted two articles about how the Horrocks case at the Supreme Court of Canada decided that in...
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Damages For Breach Of Contract

June 27, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  What happens if a real estate deal falls apart because the seller refuses to close? The prospective buyer may...
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Is Your Not-For-Profit Corporation Compliant?

June 25, 2024 By Kyle Costa Are you a director or officer of an Ontario incorporated not-for-profit corporation?  If so, are you aware of important...
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Pleadings Are Important

June 20, 2024 By Brian Babcock Pleadings are important. They define the issues in a case. They allow the opposing parties, and the courts, to...
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What is a “Factum”?

June 18, 2024 By Brian Babcock We have written before about the importance of occupying the “moral high ground.” But how do you do that?...
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What is a Proof of Loss?

June 13, 2024 By Brian Babcock  Have you delivered your Proof of Loss? A Proof of Loss is a standard form declaration that is required...
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Let The Buyer Beware?

May 14, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  The “death of caveat emptor” has been much heralded but is an exaggeration. THE ISSUE When does a seller...
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Relitigating Is An Abuse Of Process

June 6, 2024 By Brian Babcock  Courts have limited resources. Parties usually want finality in resolving their disputes- at least one party usually does. THE...
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What Is Cross-Examination?

June 4, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  We recently wrote about being a witness, a companion piece to an earlier article about the seriousness of affidavits....
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Remedies For Breach Of Mareva Injunctions

May 30, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik What is a Mareva Injunction? Th Ontario Court of appeal describes this relief  in the case of Buduchnist Credit...
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