Nipigon Office Open

Did you know that Weilers LLP has a satellite office in Nipigon? A lawyer is available to meet with you in our Nipigon office on specific Wednesdays each month. If you would like to meet with a Weilers lawyer in Nipigon, please call 807-623-1111 to confirm which weeks our lawyer will be in the office […]
Racial Slurs May be Grounds to Terminate
October 16, 2020 By Brian Babcock Racial slurs have no place in the workplace, and may be grounds to terminate for cause. A recent arbitration award, Levi Strauss & Co. v Workers United Canada Council, 2020 CanLII 44271 begins by noting that at one time, verbal clashes between coworkers, even ones involving racial insults were not […]
Trusts vs Agency
October 16, 2020 By Brian Babcock Trusts and agency are both legal concepts about relationships. Perhaps because of this commonality, people often confuse the two. They are quite different and recognizing which relationship exists in a particular situation may be crucial to understanding what your legal rights and responsibilities might be. There are many differences. Some […]