Weilers LLP


Appeal and Arbitration

Alternative Dispute Resolution
July 25, 2024 By Brian Babcock Most arbitrations in Ontario are governed by the Arbitration Act, 1991. Some are governed by the International Commercial Arbitrations...
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Vacation Pay: A Hidden Liability?

July 23, 2024 By Brian Babcock Do you pay out unused vacation pay at the end of each year? THE ISSUE If not, you may...
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Restrictive Covenants and Restraint of Trade

July 18, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  When is a restrictive covenant an unlawful restraint of trade? THE CASE The Ontario Court of Appeal takes a...
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When the Story Changes

July 9, 2024 By Brian Babcock We have written before about how success in a lawsuit usually depends upon good story telling. Good story telling...
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Common Sense and the Duty of Good Faith in Real Estate Deals

July 11, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik Common sense and the duty of good faith in the performance of a contract may result in imperfect compliance...
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At Any Time, Judges Favour Employees

July 9, 2024 By Brian Babcock Judges seem to really dislike termination clauses, even in Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario. THE ISSUE We have written...
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Let Us Tell Your Story

July 4, 2024 By Brian Babcock “The purpose of the trial is to build a good factual record for the appeal.” So said a local...
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Jurisdiction and Human Rights: An Ontario Update

Administrative Law
July 2, 2024 By Brian Babcock We have posted two articles about how the Horrocks case at the Supreme Court of Canada decided that in...
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Damages For Breach Of Contract

June 27, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  What happens if a real estate deal falls apart because the seller refuses to close? The prospective buyer may...
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Is Your Not-For-Profit Corporation Compliant?

June 25, 2024 By Kyle Costa Are you a director or officer of an Ontario incorporated not-for-profit corporation?  If so, are you aware of important...
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Pleadings Are Important

June 20, 2024 By Brian Babcock Pleadings are important. They define the issues in a case. They allow the opposing parties, and the courts, to...
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What is a “Factum”?

June 18, 2024 By Brian Babcock We have written before about the importance of occupying the “moral high ground.” But how do you do that?...
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What is a Proof of Loss?

June 13, 2024 By Brian Babcock  Have you delivered your Proof of Loss? A Proof of Loss is a standard form declaration that is required...
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Let The Buyer Beware?

May 14, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  The “death of caveat emptor” has been much heralded but is an exaggeration. THE ISSUE When does a seller...
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Relitigating Is An Abuse Of Process

June 6, 2024 By Brian Babcock  Courts have limited resources. Parties usually want finality in resolving their disputes- at least one party usually does. THE...
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What Is Cross-Examination?

June 4, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  We recently wrote about being a witness, a companion piece to an earlier article about the seriousness of affidavits....
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Remedies For Breach Of Mareva Injunctions

May 30, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik What is a Mareva Injunction? Th Ontario Court of appeal describes this relief  in the case of Buduchnist Credit...
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Interpreting Wills: The “Armchair” Approach

May 28, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik Have you ever wondered how a court interprets a will when people disagree about the meaning? THE CASES The...
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Trustee Compensation and Legal Fees

May 28, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  Trustees , including estate trustees, are entitled to compensation for their efforts. But how much? The lawyers for the...
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Who Gets The Dog?

May 23, 2024 By Brian Babcock  Many of us love our pets. But in law, they are possessions like any other personal property. In the...
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Rectifying Wills

May 16, 2024 By Brian Babcock  Your will is supposed to express what you want done with your property after you die. After all that...
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Road Access and Your Summer Getaway

May 14, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  With spring blossoming,  cottage season is approaching. For a lawyer, that means that the status of access roads becomes...
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Is That Will Valid?

May 9, 2024 By Brian Babcock  In order to be valid, a will must be made while the person making it (the “testator”) has mental...
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Perfection Of Leases Under The PPSA

May 7, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik In Ontario, the Personal Property Security Act protects lenders through a priority of registration system. A key exception is...
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A Perfect Night for a “Flight” in Support of Local Businesses

Jacob Thompson had the pleasure of presenting the award for Business Excellence – Medium to Jones Insurance at this year’s Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce...
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Proof Is Far From Standard

May 2, 2024 By Brian Babcock  You probably know the phrase “beyond a reasonable doubt”. This criminal standard of proof receives frequent attention in the...
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Meet Our Newest Associate Lawyer, Alyvia Cotter

Alyvia, pronounced the same way as “Olivia,” but with an “A.” Alyvia joined Weilers in 2023 as an articling student and became an associate lawyer...
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Subjective Intention Doesn’t Matter

April 30, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  That eye-catching headline is a bit misleading. In criminal litigation, subjective intention – whether the accused meant to commit...
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What Is A “Matter OF Public Interest”?

April 25, 2024 By Brian Babcock  We have written before explaining anti-SLAPP motions in Ontario. THE ISSUE The test for a defendant to have a...
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A Contract On A Napkin?

April 23, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  “An oral contract is worth the paper it is written on” is an old saying. Not quite accurate, but...
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COVID and Constructive Dismissal

April 18, 2024 By Brian Babcock  Cases related to loss of employment due to COVID shutdowns continue to work their way through the system. Employers...
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Beware The “Use” Clause In Your Lease

April 16, 2024 By Mark Mikulasik Commercial leases typically contain a clause which restricts the type of use that the tenant can have in the...
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Doing Repair and Storage Liens Right

April 11, 2024 By Nick Melchiorre  The law of possessory liens in Ontario is governed by the Repair and Storage Liens Act. This law attempts...
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High Conflict Estates Cost A Lot

April 9, 2024 By Jonathon Clark  An estate trustee has a right to be indemnified for its proper costs and expenses. An estate trustee may...
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Gift or Trust?

April 4, 2024 By Brian Babcock  We have written before about resulting trusts, and the case of Pecore v Pecore which says that when you...
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