Pleadings in Small Claims Court
June 20, 2022 By Mark Lahn Pleadings in small claims court do not have to reach the same degree of sophistication as pleadings in the Superior Court of Justice. Pleadings are the documents in which the parties set out their claim and their defence. In the rules that apply to Superior Court cases, there are […]
Covid Leases and Force Majeure
June 20, 2022 By Brian Babcock Since the pandemic began, everybody involved in commercial real estate has been looking for some definitive guidance as to the effect of a force majeure clause in a lease upon the rights of the parties during the pandemic and as a result of the pandemic. The Ontario Court of […]
It’s About Time
June 20, 2022 By Brian Babcock It is fitting that the Court of Appeal would release a decision about extending the time to file an appeal a few days before daylight savings time extends daylight into the evenings. Like most things in court, there is a time limit within which to file your notice of […]